Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blacking Out

At one point in a weightlifter's career, they will black out.  It happens when the blood is restricted to the brain (Syncope- loss of consciousness).  This can happen for various reasons.  Here are a few ways you can avoid blacking out in the gym and preventing harm to yourself:

1) Stay hydrated.  Especially in the summer when the gym can get very hot and humid, you can get very dehydrated which causes low blood pressure.  Make sure to drink plenty of water. 

2) EAT!! Low blood sugar can cause you to black out. A lot of people I have seen with this issue will come to the gym on an empty stomach or without eating carbs in their meal for some strange reason. Carbohydrates give you energy. You need energy to workout so make sure you have something substantial to eat before you lift especially if you are Cleaning.  Get some juice, pop-tarts, cookies, stickers anything that will give you fast carbs. You will burn it off and it will fuel you for your lifting session.

3) Breathing.  If you hold your breath too long or hold the bar too close to the carotid artery, You will build tremendous amounts of pressure when catching a heavy clean. If you don't release some of the pressure, it builds up and you will once again restrict the blood flow to the brain.  Breathe out on the way up if you are having this problem.  This will release some of the pressure and help get the blood flowing to the brain.  

Blacking out in itself is not dangerous, the dangerous part is falling on some miscellaneous gym equipment.  If you ever feel like you are in the midst of the black out, take some time to grab a gatorade or a snack, especially if you haven't eaten since lunch and you decide you want to work out 5 hours later.  Take the time to set yourself up it will benefit you in the end. Happy Lifting. 

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