Wednesday, October 22, 2014


It has been a weird week and a weird cycle for me, I think I have made a bunch of mistakes that I hope to correct in the future. First off I'm going to stop training like a Psycho.  I think these past couple of weeks I have pushed myself way too hard and got it into my head that that was the smart thing to do.  Training to the brink of destruction every time usually means you are going to erupt and have a bad day or two soon! Which is kind of what happened this past week leading to this competition.  I have been stressing hard about my weight and my lifts and everything has suffered horrendously because of it.  If I can find a way to just relax and treat this competition like a glorified practice it will go a lot smoother.  I have done this before and I should just let go and see what happens.  It should be a fun time nonetheless and I sure learned something from this cycle.  I will correct it with the next one.  Be Positive and Positive things will come.

Secondly I think I will try to focus more on lighter weights this next cycle as opposed to keep trying to hit it heavy every practice.  Sometimes I get caught up in what everyone else is doing that I want to put up big numbers in practice and when I don't I go into my self diagnosed "Baby Mode".  It isn't pretty and usually costs me a bunch of money and my friends usually make fun of me for it.  Be reasonable about your goals and they will come if you expect to just put up a shit ton of weight all the time you better get on a stack or two because that shit just isn't reality unless you've absolutely earned it and took your time getting to that point.  Don't rush it! Develop the skills and the Gainz will follow! I just have to listen to my own advice!

Last I need to have more fun.  Weightlifting is fun and when you start taking things too seriously the dreams fade and all you see is darkness.  When you're not having fun with it nobody wants to be around you and when you are everything will be going your way more people will want to see you lift and you will put up bigger numbers because of it.  So have fun with your lifting.  I am not saying you can't ever be serious but train yourself to be smooth and take it easy on yourself.  The world won't end if you miss that lift so chill the fuck out and just have some fun.  It's a sport and it's supposed to be fun GODDAMMIT!!


  1. Like Bobby McFerrin. ...Don't worry be happy. Until you jerk...the crap...out of the desired weight.
